When you purchase a Memorial Assistant software license, you'll receive the quality software and the support services you need to take your business to the next level.
Certified Memorialists and monument retailers in Vancouver, Washington since 1921.
A software consulting company specializing in database applications, information management, manufacturing applications and internet consulting since 1992.
The Memorial Assistant development effort began in 2001, when Vancouver Granite Works recognized that they had a critical need for software to manage their monument business. When they found that nothing on the market fit their specifications, they hired a consultant to create the software they needed. Seeing that such a product could have wide application in their industry, they decided to offer Memorial Assistant to other memorial companies as well.
The effort has paid off. Not only does the staff at Vancouver Granite Works rely on Memorial Assistant to manage all their day-to-day business, but many other companies have followed suit.
In 2003, ConsultWare LLC took over the Memorial Assistant development effort, and has worked continuously to enhance and improve the software ever since. We expect that Memorial Assistant will remain compatible with Windows for years to come.